Our Clinical and
Diagnostic Services
A Range of Services to
Support Your Family
At Alpine, we understand that every person with autism and their family have unique needs. With ongoing support and compassionate guidance, we customize services to help you and your child. We offer a range of clinical assessments and services that can be tailored to your individual needs.
Diagnostic Assessment
Alpine provides comprehensive diagnostic assessments using several state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, including the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), conducted by a licensed psychologist. This evaluation consists of direct observation, assessment of skills, and parent and caregiver interviews. The assessment concludes with a feedback session. Comprehensive written reports, including diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations, are provided.
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Autism Screening
We offer an autism screening for infants and toddlers at risk or whose parents are concerned about autism but are unsure what to look for. The goal of the screening and consultation is to provide families with our initial clinical impressions and a clear path for how to proceed, including referrals and recommendations.
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Individualized Skill-
Based Assessment
Our comprehensive evaluations are grounded in best practice assessment tools and keen observation of current home and school programs. Detailed written reports are issued following our assessments to recommend individualized skill acquisition programs for use in both school and program placement decisions.
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Clinical Consultation
Our expert clinicians will consult with you about your child’s education and behavioral needs. Through informal assessment and discussion with you, we will recommend a course of action including types of therapies and services that your child might need.
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Functional Behavior
At Alpine Learning Group, we conduct comprehensive functional assessments to identify the variables that make problem behavior more or less likely to occur. Our team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts develops intervention plans, recommends skill acquisition programs to address challenging behavior, and provides training for family members and treatment teams.
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Focused Behavior
Our team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts will assess your child’s situation specific problem behavior — for example, difficulty visiting a doctor or dentist, getting a haircut, toilet training, or tolerating specific sounds — and develop short-term, intensive treatment plans to resolve the behavior. The team focuses on training you and care providers to implement and maintain the treatment plan.
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Public School Consultation
School Sourcing
Placing your child with autism in the right school is important to their success. Our experts are here to help ensure your child is enrolled in a school that supports their educational, developmental, and behavioral needs. We will observe your child in their current placement, visit prospective schools, and work closely with you and your school district to find the right school for your child.
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Young Adult Transition
Our Adult Transition Assessments will identify strengths and skill gaps in essential life skills necessary for adulthood, including self-care, vocational, leisure, community integration and social skills. A comprehensive report will document both your child’s strengths and the skill areas to focus on, to ensure a successful transition into adulthood.
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Parent Training and
Education Program
Alpine’s expert clinicians offer families reliable, up-to-date information about proven, science-based treatment for their children with autism. The program is centered on comprehensive, in-home training services aimed at helping parents address problem behavior and promote language and social skills.
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Learn More About Our Services
Please contact Caren Gans, Alpine’s Intake Coordinator, using the following form
or via phone at 201-612-7800 x305
Please contact Caren Gans,
Alpine’s Intake Coordinator,
using the following form
or via phone at
201-612-7800 x305